Ballet and the Amazing Animals - Workshop |
| (Ballet Workshop ) |
Presenter: The Hong Kong Ballet Limited |
Artistic Director: Madeleine Onne |
Production / Performing Unit: The Hong Kong Ballet Limited |
Choreographer: N/A |
Date |
2015/04/03-05 |
Venue |
Grand Theatre Back Stage, Hong Kong Cultural Centre |
Ticket Price |
$1200, $980 |
Synopsis |
今年復活節,讓您的小朋友體驗一個糅合舞蹈、演技及創作的魔幻音樂旅程!在這個為期三天、充滿啟發性和教育意義的互動工作坊 - 芭蕾舞台全接觸:《動物芭蕾奇緣》,4-13歲的兒童將會探討多個芭蕾舞劇中的有趣元素,包括《動物嘉年華》及《木偶奇遇記》等等。 學員能探索如何運用樂器來表達動物形態及主題,親身領會故事中的寓意及扮演舞劇中的夢幻角色,體驗互動工作坊的樂趣!此外,8-13歲的兒童更可以學習和演繹芭蕾舞劇世界中的善與惡、忠誠與背叛,盡顯無限創意和演藝潛能。 |
Cast and Production |
Reviews Record |
Number of Performance |
1 |
Programme Duration |
7hrs |
Number of dancers / participants |
Number of Audience |
Others |
Multi-Media |
Special Issue |
Pictures above are provided by or downloaded from presenter’s source |
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