Date |
2013/07/23 |
Venue |
PLA Theatre, Beijing |
Ticket Price |
RMB 680(VIP), 380, 280, 180 |
Synopsis |
Selected by critics from Ballet International's Yearbook as "Outstanding Choreographer", Ina Christel Johannessen, the Artistic Director from leading Norwegian dance company, Zero Visibility Corp., creates a philosophical debate between "virtue of truth" and "life-lie" in the form of dance theatre.
Her choreography is inspired by the classical stage play The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen, the father of modern drama, and was invited to tour in Beijing after its premiere in Hong Kong. |
Cast and Production |
Reviews Record |
Number of Performance |
1 |
Programme Duration |
1 hr 30 mins |
Number of dancers / participants |
14 |
Number of Audience |
464 |
Others |
Multi-Media |
Special Issue |