Date |
2012/11-2013/03 |
Venue |
4 performances at LCSD rehearsal room of performance arts venues or parks |
Ticket Price |
Synopsis |
Community Cultural Ambassador Scheme
舞蹈技巧課 2012/11/04-2013/01/28 Activity Room II, Queen Elizabeth Stadium;Hall, Luen Wo Hui Community Hall
夏威夷小結他共奏 2012/11/18-2013/01/31 Activity Room II, Queen Elizabeth Stadium
環境排練 2012/12/09-2013/01/21 Activity Room II, Queen Elizabeth Stadium
專業探索 2013/02/24-2013/03/10 Zone B, Quarry Bay Park
環境演出 2013/02/24-2013/03/10 Zone B, Quarry Bay Park |
Cast and Production |
Reviews Record |
Number of Performance |
Programme Duration |
Number of dancers / participants |
Number of Audience |
Others |
Multi-Media |
Special Issue |