第45屆全港公開舞蹈比賽 |
| (綜合 比賽 ) |
主辦單位: 觀塘民政事務處,觀塘區文娛康樂促進會 |
藝術總監: |
製作/演出單位: 觀塘民政事務處,觀塘區文娛康樂促進會 |
編舞: |
日期 |
2017/05/14-28 |
地點 |
高山劇場劇院,牛池灣文娛中心劇院 |
票價 |
憑票免費入場 |
節目簡介 |
Salon Talk is a round table discussion with various artists within and outside the field of dance. Curated topics serve as a springboard to stimulate and challenge our perceptions of what is contemporary in ballet and dance. No matter if you are a neophyte or an expert in dance - mingle with dancers and artists alike at this Social Mixer with great discussions, music and drinks. |
演出/製作 |
舞評記錄 |
場數 |
27 |
節目長度 |
演出/參加人數 |
觀眾人數 |
得獎名單 (比賽) |