Beyond the Differences |
| (其他 演出 ) |
主辦單位: 形藝祭 |
藝術總監: |
製作/演出單位: 形藝祭 |
編舞: |
日期 |
2017/05/07 |
地點 |
唐三(九龍太子上海街716號三樓) |
票價 |
未有資料 |
節目簡介 |
i Dance Annual Showcase will be hosted at Jockey Club Auditorium, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,on Sunday May 7, 2017. Tickets are available at URBTIX NOW. You can watch many amazing performances by professional instructors and i Dance members. Welcomed to join the showcase and enjoy a fun and pleasant night! |
演出/製作 |
舞評記錄 |