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東方舞蹈表演   (其他   演出 )

康樂及文化事務署 - 娛樂節目辦事處
製作/演出單位: 亞妮瑪部落 編舞:
日期 2017/12/03
地點 香港公園奧林匹克廣場
票價 免費節目
節目簡介 Dance Day 2017 will be the 8th Dance Day. The main theme of this year is 'No Boundary'. Dancers would unveil their adventurous spirit, desire for breakthrough and pull down the wall between audiences and dancers.

Similar to previous Dance Days, Dance Day 2017 will showcase different generations of local dance talents. Veteran and emerging dance artists, professional and amateur dance groups as well as local organizations serving the physically handicapped and able-bodied will join hands with different social groups to give a wide variety of delightful and exhilarating dance performances and activities at Tuen Mun Town Hall and Tuen Mun Cultural Square. Renowned local choreographer/ dancer, Andy Wong is invited to be the Event Advisor for Dance Day.

Moreover, participatory activities such as workshops and exhibitions will be organized. There will also be the 'U Can Dance!' Free Dancing Zone where everyone is welcome to join in and enjoy the fun of dancing.

Dance Showcase
‘U Can Dance!’ Free Dancing Zone
One-minute Flash Dance
Site-specific Flash Mob Dance
Improvisation Land
Public Square Dancing
Cultural Activities Hall Presentation

Souvenirs are available for participants on a first-come-first-served basis.


場數 1
節目長度 1hr30mins




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