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西方民族舞表演   (西方民族舞   演出 )

康樂及文化事務署 - 娛樂節目辦事處
製作/演出單位: 香港城市藝術中心 編舞:
日期 2017/07/23
地點 景林鄰里社區中心
票價 免費節目
節目簡介 Inspired by the endangered and distinctive bird crested ibises and the spices’ aesthetic, elegant and enchanting characteristics, the dance drama Crested Ibises showcases a traditional Chinese tale that appeals to the audience to invoke the deep thought in us to live in harmony with nature, and to live with natural environment and living creatures as companions.

Why the dance drama Crested Ibises has been performed across Japan near 100 times and widely renowned since its debut in 2014? In 2018, the performance is excelling and will tour around the United State and Russia...... just because the precious species is known as the “bird of auspiciousness” to the Imperial House of Japan and as the “bird of good fortune” to the people of Japan.

With an aim to promote art diplomacy and in line with China’s Belt and Road initiative kicking off in Hong Kong, the fund raised from this performance will be donated to Hong Kong Baptist University Century Club “Student Ambassador Scheme” to sponsoring students in conducting exchange in foreign countries, practicum and experiencing the Belt and Road – A Tour of Artistic Diplomacy and Hong Kong Baptist University School of Chinese Medicine. In addition, the fund raised from this performance will be donated to the Commission on Poverty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China and Enlai Charitable Foundation.


場數 1
節目長度 1hr30mins





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